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FDA license

The Food Law applies to producing and importing food products for sale in Thailand. Producers and importers must obtain a permit (license) before producing or importing food from abroad into Thailand. In Thailand, the general law governing food quality and integrity is the Food Act 2522 (1979).

Licensing assistance

FDA Licensing

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Department of Health administers the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Will have the control and supervision of licenses related to the production or import of food, cosmetics, drugs, etc., which are mainly responsible for the control and supervision of the production of imports Or order into the country six kinds of products to be licensed:

  • food;
  • narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • medical equipment;
  • cosmetics;
  • other household hazardous substances;

Products must meet the required quality standards and be safe to use.

The FDA also includes pre-market and post-market controls to develop standards higher than the original. That is control of the entire cycle from producing health products to developing recommendations for the end-use sector.

The likelihood of obtaining an FDA license will depend on the results of the following controls:

  • pre-sale control of the plant's products, labeling, and advertising;
  • after-sales control, as an additional check of objects and products that were previously regularly checked;
  • A post-launch consumer safety monitoring program (e.g., for side effects);
  • control over the accuracy and completeness of information for the consumer;
  • Participation in FDA events and cooperation with other agencies (for example, in seminars organized by the FDA).

FDA Certified Food

As defined in the Act, "food (food)" means that which is edible and which is used to sustain life, with the following features:

  1. Substances that can be eaten, drunk, sucked, or inhaled into the body, either through the mouth or by other means, excluding psychotropic drugs and narcotics;
  2. substances intended for use as an ingredient in food production, including food additives, colors, and flavors.

FDA Food Certification Purposes

There are three main categories for issuing food production licenses:

  1. Special control

Food in this category Must be registered with the Food and Drug Administration. There are legal requirements for quality standards. Packaging and labeling requirements and other aspects of the good manufacturing practice.

  1. Food standard

Most diet products do not require additional registration. However, the quality and standards must meet specific requirements of the Food and Drug Administration.

  1. Other food

Products in this category do not require manufacturer registration but must comply with standards related to hygiene, labeling, and advertising. Products in this category are divided into

  • Food products that must have a standard label;
  • Other, general category.

Applying for an FDA license

The application process will be as follows.

  1. Approval of the place of production and import authorization
  • Manufacturing License. A manufacturing plan must be submitted for approval, after which FDA staff conducts an on-site inspection before issuing a manufacturing license. The license will be valid for three years from the date of issue.
  • License to import foodstuffs. Applies to food imports into Thailand. A licensed importer can import various foodstuffs as long as those foodstuffs are certified by the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand. The importer must have a dedicated store or warehouse, which the FDA must approve before issuing a license. The license is valid for three years from the date of issue.
  1. Product Registration

Food products are under special control, whether imported or produced in Thailand. They must be registered with the Food and Drug Administration. Information about the production process and ingredients should be detailed. This is required for the product registration process. Product quality standards must also meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Health.

  1. Label approval

Food labeling must be approved before being placed on the market and comply with standards set by the FDA. Labels must be approved and contain a description in Thai. Food products of the general category must comply with the requirements according to the notification of the Ministry of Health.

  1. Ad approval

Advanced FDA approval is required to promote and advertise foods' benefits, quality, or properties in radio, television, movies, newspapers, or other publications, or in any other way for commercial purposes.

FDA Control

Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certifies that food supplied to consumers is safe and meets quality standards. Compliance checks can be checked regularly or upon request.

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Update: 19-02-2023
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